2022.12.18 Year-End Party
We did a year-end party, and Rikuou got the Discovery of the Year Award in our group. Find the detail in the G […]
2022.11.30-12.1 MBSJ2022
Most of the lab members attended and enjoyed the MBSJ2022 meeting! See the Gallery for the detail!
2022.10.20 Ken gave a talk at UNC
As a part of the ISE (International Science Exchange) lecture series at Nagoya University, Ken gave a talk at […]
2022.10.1 Four new members
Four new members joined our group! A Japanese Sota (B3 student), Waddiyah (NUPACE student from Univ. of Manche […]
2022.9.30 Ken gave a talk at ICM
Ken was invited to give a talk at the 3rd Indian C. elegans Meeting at Trivandrum, India! It was awesome!
2022.9.14 Ken visited UCSD
Ken visited Jin lab at UCSD, where he did postdoctoral research, and gave a talk!