2023.6.13 We moved to the Science G building
We moved from the Science B building to the renovated Science G building. Now, our lab spaces are located at G […]
2023.5.30 Paper published in eLife!
Our first paper (in terms of Ken as the sole corresponding author) was published in eLife (Link). This paper d […]
2023.5.8-22 Ken visited Jarriault lab
As an exchange program between Naoya University and Strasbourg University in France, Ken stayed Dr. Sophie Jar […]
2023.5.22 Our team was on TV
Ken happened to be interviewed by Japanese broadcasting (NHK) crew at Nagoya University. They visited the lab […]
2023.3.21 Binta is on YouTube!
Our PhD candidate/technician, Binta, is on the official YouTube video introducing researchers at Nagoya Univer […]
2023.3.9 Nomatode T-shirt
Our team T-shirt became publicly available on the Up-T website (in JP)!
2023.2.21-22 Souhatsu meeting
Ken helped organize the Souhatsu meeting at Kanazawa. He and Rikuou gave a pitch and poster presentation. They […]
2023.2.14 Ryusei's thesis presentation
Ryusei gave a presentation for his Bachelor's degree. Great job, Ryusei!
2023.1.8 Kansai Worm Meeting
Rikuou and Yuto gave oral presentations in English at Kansai Worm Meeting. They both got the Best Presentation […]